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Michaela Miller, your Bariatric Wellness Coach

It’s your time to BLOOM!

Bloom into the person you have always wanted to be. Leave the old you in the past and step into this new season fully embracing your new chance at life.

You’re in the right place if..

You are ready to fully commit and put in the work (mental, emotional, and physical)


Welcome to
Bloom University

Here is where you will find my programs and offerings that I have created to help you Bloom into this next season of your journey.


My programs are created and based off of my own methods I have used along my 6 year successful Bariatric Journey as well as my education as a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Weight Loss Specialist.


Stay tuned for more exciting offerings to come!

Image by Rebecca Orlov | Epic Playdate
Michaela Miller, your Bariatric Wellness Coach
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Work With Me

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Spring Cleaning Mindset Reset Challenge-10.png

 The one where we ditch diet culture norms, work on healing our relationship with food and our bodies, make friends with carbs, and learn how to not just eat for weight loss but how to fuel for life!


You CAN have a better relationship with food.

You CAN have Bariatric Surgery, enjoy the foods you love, lose weight and keep it off!

You CAN work through your food fears, trigger foods, and sabotaging thoughts.


Are you ready to ditch the diet cycles and step onto a better path towards

your weight loss and wellness goals?


This will be a challenge focusing on your resetting your mindset, healing relationship with food,

and addressing self sabotaging cycles around food.


There will be a 5 day workshop series followed by a 21 day food journaling challenge.


By the end of the challenge you will have a better understanding of why you eat what you eat, what changes you should make for better longer lasting results, more awareness around your food patterns, a better relationship with the foods you fear the most, and a better more sustainable approach to nutrition after Bariatric Surgery.


Heal your relationship with food!

Work on your food fears!

Ditch Diet Culture!

The Masters 
1:1 Coaching Program

The Masters Program is a 6 month 1:1 coaching program designed to help you at any stage of your journey…


Are you just starting the Bariatric Process, are you newly post op, are you well into your first year or in maintenance?

You have had little to no guidance up front and are lost, confused, frustrated…


You are tired of the diet yo-yo, the addiction to the scale, the constant feeling of failure… 

You got Bariatric Surgery as a last resort and want to make this works for life but need more help, support, and guidance…


The masters program is a 6 month 1:1 coaching program designed to help you at any stage of your journey.


You don’t want this to be another failed attempt at

weight loss!


Girl this program is for you! 


It is designed to be high on support and accountability. 

As your coach I will be there with you every step of the way. Guiding your nutrition, your movement choices, your habits and routines. Working closely with you to help you shift your mindset, heal your relationship with food, and find peace and balance on your journey. 

Helping you learn how to use your tool for life and find lasting solutions that work for you!



I know healing is possible. Through building routines, movement, a proper understanding of nutrition, and working on nurturing your inner-self, healing can be possible for you too!


Come join me on this ultimate quest to discover the You that You have always wanted to be. I will be your guide, your mentor, your teacher, and your biggest cheerleader!


I know your dream life and goals are possible! 

I know you are capable of achieving all you want after Bariatric Surgery. You just need the nurturing, support, and step by step guidance you have been lacking.


It is possible! We just have to start!



Michaeala Miller, Your Bariatric Wellness Coach
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Meet Michaela

Just like you, I had struggled with weight my whole life but with the help of Bariatric Surgery, coaching, training, therapy, etc I was able to discover the right method for my long-term success and healed my mindset, my relationship with food, my relationship with fitness, and ultimately healed by obesity.
I am on a mission to help as many women as possible do the same.

Because babe, if I can do it so can you! I will help you get there!

I am now a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Weightloss Specialist. I have  helped over 40 women since opening my coaching practice at the beginning of 2021 find success on their journey and I want to help you do the same!


On top of being a certified coach, I am a foodie at heart and a lover of chocolate. Hop over to my blog to check out some of my favorite meal prep and sweet treat recipes! I love creating healthier versions of the foods we love and crave, it is my hobby! Food is meant to be enjoyed not feared, through my coaching techniques and my weekly blog posts I will teach you how to enjoy food and still lose weight!


I also love the outdoors and just living a big life of adventure. That is my WHY! I wanted to live, not just exist.

Find me on 



I had the VSG surgery about 2 years ago and was completely lost on what I should be doing. Michaela was there to help me understand my nutrition and increase my movement. She is true to her word when she says she is there to help you. I have had online trainers in the past that would just send you the program and then never check in with you. Michaela is not like that, every week she would check in with me to see how I was doing. She was there if I was having a difficult day and struggling. If I had a question, I could outreach her, and she was always willing help me.
-Nicole B.

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