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Meet Michaela Miller

Hey Beautiful!

It is so nice to meet you. You might be wondering,
who is Michaela? How can she help me?

First of all Hi, I am a fun loving, goofy, and energetic introvert with a heart to help others reach their full potential. I am passionate about living a life of healthy balance. I love to hike, cook, eat, dance, and dress up from time to time. I am a coach at my core and I use that skill to help you and others like you work towards your health and wellness goals. 


I am now a certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Weight Loss Specialist who works with Bariatric and Non Bariatric clients. 


But I wasn’t always like this… I actually started just like you!

My Credentials

Bariatric Maintenance Expert - VSG 5/23/16 Maintained 150lb Loss for 5+ years. 

NASM Certified Personal Trainer 

NASM Certified Nutrition Coach

NASM Certified Weightloss Specialist

Behavior Change Specialist


To date have helped over 100 women on their health and wellness journeys. They have successfully found

balance, lost their weight, built habits they can maintain, and more (See the testimonials page).

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I have been where you are, I struggled with weight my whole life. I was constantly berated by the people around me to lose weight (mainly my family) even from a young age… ultimately leading down the diet to diet path. Small weight loss. Large weight gains. Restrict and binge. 


Moderation and balance sounded like a fairytale. Too good to be true. By the time I was 25 I weighed 300lbs and knew something had to change.


High blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes runs in my family and I ended up having a health scare that pushed me to do something drastic… or I thought it was drastic.

I had never considered Bariatric Surgery prior to that because I thought it was too “extreme” for me. After all, I had so many friends saying:


“You’re not THAT big”

“You don’t need to lose weight”

“You are beautiful as you are”

“You hold your weight so well”


Yeah, I am sure you have heard similar things... while I know their words came from a good place, it distorted my reality. I actually didn’t think I was “THAT” big. I didn’t have that bad of a weight problem, I don’t need surgery…

My Bariatric Story

Image by Rebecca Orlov | Epic Playdate
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But after my health scare, I realized the truth. I could no longer stand by and live in fear, pain, exhaustion, etc. I was morbidly obese and surgery was the solution I needed. I had felt trapped for so long. I no longer wanted to just exist in this body, I wanted to live.


I had Bariatric Surgery on May 23, 2016, Vertical Sleeve, performed by Dr. Pettine in Fort Collins, CO. I was self-pay and viewed it as an investment in my future.


Surgery is terrifying. But I was more afraid of what would happen if I didn’t finally get my weight under control.

"I have been where you are, I struggled with weight my whole life."

Why Bariatric?

I chose bariatric surgery because I knew my answer to long-term success was not hidden in another diet. I have been there done that… obviously not helpful. I wanted a more permanent long-term solution. I was done F*cking around with my health and trying to heal it with bandaids. 


Bariatric Surgery is the weight loss method with the highest long-term success rate. I wanted those odds. 


Who cares if you can lose it if you can’t keep it off. I wanted to learn how to keep

off the weight for good. To actually HEAL my obesity.


But I knew going in that Bariatric Surgery just provides a TOOL. It does not do the work on it’s own. It is there to help but I would have to do the heavy lifting if I want to be successful for life.


So I set out to find the resources and guidance I needed to be successful. 

Support Groups | A Bariatric Coach | A Personal Trainer


With the guidance and support of my coaches, surgeon, and trainer I was able to find the key to my lasting success. 


I developed a lifestyle that I enjoy and is maintainable.

I found fitness that I enjoy and keeps me motivated.

I finally discovered the moderation and balance I had once thought was a fairytale!


I am now over 5 years out in my journey and have successfully maintained 150lbs weight loss! All while enjoying life! I never thought that was possible before. I eat foods I enjoy, I participate in activities that are fulfilling. I have confidence and control over my life. I have learned to love and trust myself. And babe I want this for you too!


If I can do it, so can you! And I will show you how!

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The Problem with the Bariatric Community.
Why you are feeling so lost and confused...

And I know you are sitting there thinking but on IG sally sue says you can never eat the foods you love again after surgery and have to do cardio everyday. And Bariatric Barry says you have to take fancy supplements, workout 2x a day, and should try to have visible abs in one year… there is a lot of confusing and contradictory information out there.


I was lost too. Which is why I got help early on.


We need guidance and support on this journey. You do not have to go this alone! I know you can get a lot of free advice on IG and FB, but they are sharing what worked for them, which might not work for you. If you are sitting there feeling like a failure because sally sue’s method didn’t work I want you to know that you are not the failure, the method is failing you because it isn’t the right approach for your needs.

That is where coaching comes in...

That is why I am here. I found what worked for me. And it took a lot of trial and error. I now know and realize this is not one size fits all and we all might need a different approach. I can help you find the right method for YOUR success. I have the knowledge, experience, and patience you are lacking. Lean on my failures and learn from my successes. I will help you see failure is your best friend and the key to success on this journey is a consistent effort towards a lifestyle that feels good! A healthy life you are excited about!


How I can help:

I am so passionate about health and wellness that I wanted to help others find what I have found:







I am now a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach, and Certified Weight loss Specialist. I am here to help you find the healthy lifestyle that works for you! Because you deserve the life you want. I know what works for me, but we will work together to find what will work for YOU!


In my programs, we focus on habits and goals that will not only help you lose the weight but keep it off for good.


We don’t go to extremes.

We don’t do diets.

We don’t let the scale dictate our success.


In my program, we focus on mindset, routines, and goals that are realistic and MAINTAINABLE. What’s the point of working towards a goal if you can’t maintain the results?


I teach you how to not just lose the weight but how to go into maintenance with confidence. If you go about it the right way it shouldn’t feel impossible or a fight to keep up. It should feel like a life you are happy to live!


Together we will create moderation and balance in your life! I promise it is not a fairytale!

Quick Fun Facts About Me!

#1 One food I can’t live without:

Oh man I am a foodie at heart so it is hard to decide on just one food… but I would say Pizza or Chocolate or a chocolate pizza! I mean Pizza is great because it can be anything you want!


Fun Fact with in a Fun Fact: I always end a big race or hike with a big pizza! My favorite toppings are Pepperoni, Pineapple, Tomato, Green Peppers, and Cream Cheese!

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