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Not Another Diet


 The one where we ditch diet culture norms, work on healing our relationship with food and our bodies, make friends with carbs, and learn how to not just eat for weight loss

but how to fuel for life!


You CAN have a better relationship with food.

You CAN have Bariatric Surgery, enjoy the foods you love, lose weight and keep it off!

You CAN work through your food fears, trigger foods, and sabotaging thoughts.


Diets don't work.

If they did you would not have needed Bariatric Surgery.... so why do we run back to the diets that failed us so many times over even after getting surgery?

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Hi beautiful,

I'm Michaela!


I have been there!



Babe you did not get Bariatric Surgery just to stay in the diet cycle!!


Let's get you off of that cycle once and for all!


This program is a deep dive into food after Bariatric Surgery. But we aren't just going to touch on nutrition basics we are going to get to the root of why we eat, why we go off plan, why we binge, why we are triggered by foods, and how to flip the script... literally!


We are not only going to work on having a better understanding of food but work on how we talk about food, how we think about food, how we use food in our lives.


I know what it is like to be stuck on that diet rollercoaster.

But I have spent the last 6 years since getting Bariatric Surgery working on healing my relationship with food, educating myself on proper nutrition, and unlearning all of the diet culture BS.

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And I truly believe I am successful today because I have rejected anything that sounds like a diet and focused on developing true balance and moderation after bariatric surgery. 


I want to help you do the same!


Does this sound familiar?


   You loved the beginning stages of the journey because of the rigid rules but now that you are getting farther out you

   feel lost, scared, and don't know what to do so you keep looking to different diets because they also have rigid rules to



   You are terrified to add in carbs or any fun foods into your diet because you think you will "lose control"?


   You are terrified of "stretching your sleeve/pouch" so you don't even eat until you are full?


   You don't know what your hunger or fullness ques are or aren't listening to them?


   You are confused by all of the conflicting information out there... should I track or not track? What are macros? How

   many carbs should I eat? Should I just eat intuitively?


   You are struggling with hunger, cravings, nighttime snacking/grazing and don't know why or how to stop?


   You desperately want food freedom but have no idea where to start and think if you break away from all of the "rules"

   you will just gain your weight back?

Image by MIO ITO

The Not Another Diet Workshop and Challenge is for YOU!

And you might even be thinking... but my Bariatric Doctor/Surgeon/Dietician said no carbs or sugar for the rest of my life and only 1200 calories?!


But is that actually maintainable?


The problem with a lot of the Bariatric programs out there is that they are cookie cutter approaches to individual lifestyles. 

The Bariatric surgeon is not there to actually coach you, guide you, and help you keep the weight off long term. They have a system in place to get people in and out and on their way. They provide quick info and guides that they think will help people keep the weight off... but it doesn't.


There NEEDS to be better guidance and information on how to properly transition your nutrition for lifelong wellness.


Telling someone to never eat carbs again or to stay under 1200 calories for the rest of their life is not realistic or sustainable for most people and that is why they fail.


Because hunger returns.

Cravings come back with a vengeance

Old coping patterns and habits sneak up...


The tool is there to help us for the rest of our lives but we have to learn how to properly use it for the rest of our lives, not just for the first year.


We have to learn how to truly satisfy our hunger throughout the day.

How to stay properly fueled for all of life's adventures as a bariatric patient.

How to work with our cravings instead of against them.

How to develop better coping skills and enjoy food instead of looking to food for joy.

How to set ourselves up for long term success instead of just another failed diet attempt.

That is why I have created this program.


Through this workshop and over the course of the challenge I will be teaching you the same methods I have used and that I use with my 1:1 clients to take back control over food and over our lives. To heal our relationship with food and finally learn what balance looks like for lifelong wellness and peace.


This is not your normal "challenge"!


There is no quick fix.

This is a start...

This is designed to help educate you, help you work on healing your relationship with food,

and set you up so you can continue your journey to food freedom.

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What's Included When You Join?


1) Not Another Diet Workshop

To Kick off the Challenge we are going to have a 5 Part Workshop which will be held via Zoom

August 11th-14thIf you can't watch live you can watch the replay anytime.

Lifetime access to the replays are included!


In these sessions we are going to dive deep:

-Nutrition For Bariatrics 101 

-Macros, protein goals, calorie goals, etc? What, why, how?

-How do we transition our nutrition as we approach maintenance?

-How do we adjust nutrition for exercise, training, hiking, running, etc?

-Why do we binge? How do we stop?

-Recognizing how/why we use food to cope and learning new coping skills.

-The benefits of Food Journaling vs Nutrition Tracking.

-The benefits of meal planning and how to use it to work through food fears and incorporate more balance.

-Changing our mindset around food, unlearning diet culture bs, and writing a new narrative around "good vs bad" food.

-Learning to listen and trust your body, getting in tune with hunger and fullness ques.

-Dismantling the sleeve stretching myth and going into what actually causes weight regain.

-Normalizing weight fluctuations, ditching the scale, and learning to love your body and respect it with your food choices.

$1500 Value


2)  21 Day Food Journaling Challenge  

Then after the workshop, the 3 week challenge will start Sunday August 15th!  

Food journaling is a tool I use with my clients to help them assess their relationship iwht food on a daily basis. To uncover why they eat what they eat, what their natural hunger rythym is, what is true hunger or cravings vs emtional urges, and to bring awareness to off plan eating. It is a tool we can then use to analyze our patterns and work to make necessary changes.  


The food journal entries are for you. This is HARD work and sometimes deep rooted issues can come to light as you work on food journaling. This is your tool for you. I will not be requesting your food journal entries. However for the challenge and accountability I will have you fill out a habit tracker and mark off each day you food journal.

$500 Value



3) Food Journaling Workbook

The Workbook will include the journal prompts and instructions for the challenge. It will also include additional resources and templates to help guide and support you as you are working on your mindset and relationship with food. It provides the framework to encourage you to keep doing THE WORK even after the challenge is complete.


4) 2 Group Coaching Calls During the Challenge

There will also be midway check ins with me! A live chat where we can come together to get support, ask questions, get advice, and motivation to keep going. This is your time to get the support you need and direct coaching from me!

$500 Value


5) Access to an exclusive FB Group for Encouragement

This is an opportunity to build community and get the encouragement and support you need as we embark on this challenge together!


6) And to sweeten the deal, there will be prizes at the end! 

I like to encourage progress not perfection so as long as you keep trying, even if you miss some days, you will be entered into the drawing for prizes. I want you to think of this a metaphor for building habits over time. Every time you work on that habit, even if it isn't perfect, you are earning a point towards the goal you are trying to achieve. This challenge works the same way, every time you check off a day you journaled that is a point towards the drawing. The more points you have the better chances at winning and maintaining the habit. There will be several prizes offered including 1stPhorm Protein, Tula skincare, and a $300 Cash Prize!

Total program is valued at over $2000

but your investment is only



This is not a quick fix, a diet, or a nutrition plan...

I am not making any guarantees or promises here. 

This is a deep dive into the WHY around your food choices and a step forward towards the food freedom you have always wanted.


But if you show up, do the work, and really try over the 21 days you will have a better understanding of nutrition,

you will have better insight into how you use food and why, you will have a better mindset around food to help you achieve better balance, and you will not only have a better relationship with food but a better relationship with yourself.


This is not another meal plan that you'll spend money on, maybe lose 10 pounds but then gain it back again.

This is not $197 for just a month of a program.


This is an investment in a deeper understanding of yourself and your own patterns. This is an investment in mindset shifts that will last for the rest of your life if you work on them. This program is education and knowledge that you will be able to use for years and years.

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By the end of the 30 days you will:


-Have a deeper understanding of your food choices and eating habits.

-Learn how to properly plan and assess your food choices.

-Have more confidence and trust in yourself and your ability to stop the self-sabotage cycle. Take back control over food and ownership over your life!

-Stop the overwhelm around food and learn how to bring more joy back into your meals.

-Have more energy, learn how to fuel your body properly, and develop a more maintainable path for lifelong wellness!

-Develop more self-love and compassion for yourself and let go of past diet failures!


This program has the opportunity to be 

truly transformational if you show up

and do the work.


Are you tired of fighting your hunger and cravings?

Are you tired of feeling like you are

constantly failing yourself with food?

Are you ready to work on your mindset and finally work towards a healthier relationship with food?

Are you ready to invest in yourself and your wellness journey?


Let's work together! 


You CAN do this and I will be right there 

guiding you along the way!

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"I was so glad to have found a coach that was so knowledgeable about how to enjoy your life and be able still have things in moderation but still be healthy.  I was provided tools to crush my goals from food, my mindset and exercise!  I found a coach that taught me it is ok not to be perfect all the time!!  I will have good days and bad days but the bad one aren’t going to ruin everything I have accomplished this far in my journey.  Michaela has helped me get to a place where I feel comfortable, confidant and have the knowledge and skills to live the lifestyle I want to live! Thank you Michaela for everything."


- Cadie B.



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