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Welcome to the Spring Cleaning

Mindset Reset Challenge

Let’s Dig Deep to Find what is truly blocking you from the success you

deserve and learn the tools to build mental resilience!

Has this year been a struggle?

Have you been cycling through excuse after excuse?

Are you on the self-sabotage bus?

 This program is a safe space for you to uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding YOU back and help you start the work to rewire your subconscious programming so you too can make lasting change. So you too can stop the self-sabotage cycles and get back to feeling good again!

Mastering Your Wellness Journey Online Course
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Hi beautiful,

I'm Michaela!


I have been there!


I know what it is like to almost have success and then 

throw it all away.


But once I learned the reasons for my self sabotage and the patterns in my life that led me away from my goals instead of towards them I was able to end the self-sabotage cycles.


And I want to help you do the same!


Throughout my 6 year Bariatric journey I have put in the work to identify the narratives that held me back, to heal the wounds from my past, to forgive the younger me and work from a place of love and compassion. This work is WHY I am successful on my journey. Without rewiring my negative self-limiting programming I would have ended up right back where I was at 300lbs.  


I now teach these tools to my 1:1 clients but after hearing how so many of us have struggled this year I wanted to come up with a way to offer a high level training on these methods to help more people discover their inner power to self heal.

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Does this resonate?


  You make progress or get close to your goal only to find yourself back where you started, or at least headed back?


  You live in fear constantly of failing or going back to old ways?


  You have been on the struggle bus for a while and feel so overwhelmed by 'getting back on track' you don't know where

  to start, so you just stay stuck?


  Any stressful or emotional situation has the potential to throw you into a complete spiral?


  You tell yourself you aren't worthy of change, you are a failure, you are a quitter, you don't deserve the life you want?


  You don't trust yourself and have no confidence in your ability to reach your goal or maintain it?


  You want to work on mindset and self love, you are ready to dig deep but do not know how to begin or where to start?

Image by MIO ITO

The Spring Cleaning Mindset
Reset is For YOU!

Time to clean out the old self limiting beliefs, get untstuck, and get you feeling GOOD on your journey!

You have big goals this year! And maybe the start has been rough, I know mine was. But we are only 3 months in! With some work on mindset this could be the year you finally break through and make lasting change.


Over the recent weeks I have shared about my struggles and what I have found is that I am not alone. You are not alone.


So many of us are on the struggle bus right now, but how do we get off the bus? How do we get back to feeling good? And how do we stop letting life completely knock us off our path to our goals? How do we stop self sabotaging when things are good or how do we keep making progress when life tries to B*tch Slap us?


I know the year has been rocky so far, and we can't control what else might happen, BUT the year is not over, it is not too late to work on our goals and with the right mindset shifts we can learn how to make progress even when life is trying to stop us. Learn how to cultivate the mindset for resilience and lasting change!


That is why I created the Spring Cleaning Mindset Rest Challenge!


I am sharing the exact methods and tools I have learned (tools I use and teach to my 1:1 clients) to get unstuck, to rewire our mindset, and to build resilience for times of stress and struggle.

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This is NOT your normal challenge…


There is no “diet” to follow.

No 30 days to a bigger booty.

No instant promises.


This is a 30-day habit and mindset reset to get you back to feeling better.To give you back control.To help you stop the self-sabotage cycle and set you up with tools you need to build up your inner resilience for future seasons of struggle.


What's Included When You Join?


1) Mindset Reset Workshop

To Kick off the Challenge we are going to have a 3 Part Workshop which will be held via Zoom on

April 15th and 16th. If you can't watch live you can watch the replay anytime.

Lifetime access to the replays are included!

In these sessions we are going to dive deep:

-Why do we self-sabotage? How do we stop it?

-How do we stop the shame and guilt spiral?

-How to identify the internal blocks that are holding you back from all you want to accomplish.

-How to move past those blocks and work on a new inner narrative that supports your goals.

-How to baby step yourself back into routine and feeling good.

-How to build and create routines and habits that support you when life is trying to keep you down.

$750 Value


2) 28 Day Mindset Reset Challenge  

Then after the workshop, the 4 week challenge will start Sunday April 17th!  

The challenge will consist of 3 daily habits that are meant to get you back to feeling good and help you work on your inner narrative and self love all month long.  

$300 Value


These habits are not meant to provide instant results… they are designed to help you get unstuck. To show you that with just a couple simple changes in your routine you CAN feel better and have more energy to start seeing the big changes you want.


You will have access to my Trainerize app which is where you will track your progress and check off your tasks each day.

Each day you will:

-Drink 64oz of water

-Get in 30 Min of movement

-Journal/Meditate with guided journal prompts and mediation affirmations.


You can also utilize other optional features in trainerize while you have access, feel free to track your nutrition, sync MyFitnessPal or your fitness watches, and track your stats in the app. None of these will be monitored or are a part of the challenge however you can use them for your own benefit.



3) Mindset Reset Workbook

The Workbook will include all of the journal prompts and instructions for the challenge. It will also include additional resources and templates to help you build the feel-good habits and routines you are currently struggling to create. This workbook is a guide to help you dig into your true self, uncover YOUR self-limiting beliefs, and provide framework to help you make the next steps forward. It also comes with BONUS 30 days of journal prompts to encourage you to keep doing THE WORK even after the challenge is complete.

$100 Value


4) 1 Group Coaching Call During the Challenge

There will also be a midway check in with me! A live chat where we can come together to get support, ask questions, get advice, and motivation to keep going. This is your time to get the support you need and direct coaching from me!

$350 Value


5) Access to a Group Forum and a Weekly Live Workout

As a part of your access to my Trainerize app you will also have access to a private group forum for this program only. Think of it like a Facebook Group. This is where we can support each other, share our wins, and get encouragement on a daily basis. I will also be sharing a fun movement series for you to do each week to help keep you moving!

$100 Value


6) And to sweeten the deal, there will be prizes at the end! 

I like to encourage progress not perfection so as long as you keep trying, even if you miss some days, you will be entered into the drawing for prizes. I want you to think of this a metaphor for building habits over time. Every time you work on that habit, even if it isn't perfect, you are earning a point towards the goal you are trying to achieve. This challenge works the same way, every time you check off a habit that is a point towards the drawing. The more points you have the better chances at winning and maintaining the habit. There will be several prizes offered including 1stPhorm Protein, Tula skincare, and a $300 Cash Prize!


Total program is valued at over $1500!

But your investment is only





This isn't 30 days to a new you, it's 30 days to

a truer you.


I am not making any guarantees or promises here. 

This is NOT a quick fix. This is a start! 

But if you show up, do the work, and really try over the 30 days you will feel better, you will have better insight into what holds you back and how to move past it, you will have a better mindset to help you achieve what you truly want out of life, and you will have more self love and self acceptance.


This is not just another workout program that you'll buy and never look at again.

This is not another meal plan that you'll spend money on, maybe lose 10 pounds but then gain it back again.

This is not $147 for just a month of a program.

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By the end of the 30 days you will:


-Have a deeper understanding of your own self-limiting beliefs and have tools to work on changing your inner narrative.

-Know all of the tools and modalities I use to self soothe and regulate my nervous system so your body can be in a calmer less reactive state around stress.

-Have more confidence and trust in yourself and your ability to stop the self-sabotage cycle. Take back ownership over your life!

-Stop the overwhelm and have your own baby step road map to get you back to feeling good when life

gets you down.

-Have more energy and feel more aligned with your true path on your journey. Feel excited again!

-Develop more self-love and compassion for your past self, your current self, and your future self!


This is an investment in a deeper understanding of yourself and your own patterns. This is an investment in mindset shifts that will last for the rest of your life if you work on them. This program is education and knowledge that you will be able to use for years and years.

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These 30 days have the opportunity to be 

truly transformational if you show up

and do the work.


Are you tired of feeling stuck?

Are you tired of feeling like you are

constantly failing yourself?

Are you ready to work on your mindset and finally put your self limiting beliefs behind you?

Are you ready to invest in an inner transformation?


Let's work together! 


You CAN do this and I will be right there 

guiding you along the way!

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"I was so glad to have found a coach that was so knowledgeable about how to enjoy your life and be able still have things in moderation but still be healthy.  I was provided tools to crush my goals from food, my mindset and exercise!  I found a coach that taught me it is ok not to be perfect all the time!!  I will have good days and bad days but the bad one aren’t going to ruin everything I have accomplished this far in my journey.  Michaela has helped me get to a place where I feel comfortable, confidant and have the knowledge and skills to live the lifestyle I want to live! Thank you Michaela for everything."


- Cadie B.



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